Ma Sarada Tithi Puja on Friday

Ma Sarada Tithi Puja on Friday

Chhapra (H.K.Verma): 166th birth anniversary of Holy Mother Sarda Devi will be observed in  Chhapra centre of Ramakrishna Mission on Friday (28th of December 2018).

   Disclosing this Swami Atidevananda, Secretary of this Ashram has informed that the program will begin with Mangal Aarati and Meditation at 5 AM, followed by Vedic Chanting at 6.30 AM, Special Puja and Bhajan at7.30AM, Maha Mangal Aarati at 10 AM, Hawan & Pushpanjali at 11 AM, Prasad distribution at 12 AM, Sandhya Aarati at 5 PM and Bhajans at 7.15 PM. Swami Ji has extended invitation to all devotees with friends and family on this joyous festival.


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